__glossy mag,
HOMES 31st Annual Yearbook
Who's Who & Builder Roster
((/QUOTE)) `
with annotations
Celebrating our 32nd Year
__for background on development industry
* UTC=20161117T010000Z~~
__one-page single-spaced computer-printer
submission, addressee not given,
date not given,
by GRA activist Jane Beecroft,
with suggestions for OMB reform
* UTC=20161117T040000Z~
__one-pape photocopy from TorStar article
of 2017-11-17,
with headline
Time to rein in OMB
and byline
Martin Regg Cohn
__cited in submission of Lindgren (counsel)
and Poremba (student-at-law),
dated 2016-12-16,
Submissions of the Canadian
Environmental Law Association
to the
Ministry of Municipal Affairs and the
Ministry of the Attorney General
Regarding the Review of the
Ontario Municipal Board
(Environmental Registry
No. 012-7196)
__this submission can be found on Web, as PDF,
via Google
* UTC=20161006T235959Z~
__one-page papermail from Bill Mauro, Minister,
Ministry of Municipal Affairs [Ontario],
with its accomapnying emvelope
(_no date on letter, but envelope franked 2016-10-06)
__key passages:
Thank you for your recent email regarding potential
impacts of groundwater ((SNIP))
As the protection of water and water resources
falls under the purview of the Ministry of the
Environment and Climate Change, I am sharibng your
concerns with my colleague, the Honouragle Glen Murray,
Minister of the Environment and Climate Change, by
forwarding a copy of this letter.
* UTC=20161224T??????Z
__fullpage advert from TorStar,
by Conservatory Group,
showing various projects around GTA
__with also an attached PostIt note from {Jane.Beecroft}
__useful for putting Conservatory Group
development efforts at DDO into a wider context
__glossy mag,
HOMES 31st Annual Yearbook
Who's Who & Builder Roster
((/QUOTE)) `
with annotations
Celebrating our 32nd Year
__for background on development industry
* UTC=20161117T010000Z~~
__one-page single-spaced computer-printer
submission, addressee not given,
date not given,
by GRA activist Jane Beecroft,
with suggestions for OMB reform
* UTC=20161117T040000Z~
__one-pape photocopy from TorStar article
of 2017-11-17,
with headline
Time to rein in OMB
and byline
Martin Regg Cohn
__cited in submission of Lindgren (counsel)
and Poremba (student-at-law),
dated 2016-12-16,
Submissions of the Canadian
Environmental Law Association
to the
Ministry of Municipal Affairs and the
Ministry of the Attorney General
Regarding the Review of the
Ontario Municipal Board
(Environmental Registry
No. 012-7196)
__this submission can be found on Web, as PDF,
via Google
* UTC=20161006T235959Z~
__one-page papermail from Bill Mauro, Minister,
Ministry of Municipal Affairs [Ontario],
with its accomapnying emvelope
(_no date on letter, but envelope franked 2016-10-06)
__key passages:
Thank you for your recent email regarding potential
impacts of groundwater ((SNIP))
As the protection of water and water resources
falls under the purview of the Ministry of the
Environment and Climate Change, I am sharibng your
concerns with my colleague, the Honouragle Glen Murray,
Minister of the Environment and Climate Change, by
forwarding a copy of this letter.
* UTC=20161224T??????Z
__fullpage advert from TorStar,
by Conservatory Group,
showing various projects around GTA
__with also an attached PostIt note from {Jane.Beecroft}
__useful for putting Conservatory Group
development efforts at DDO into a wider context
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