Monday, July 16, 2018

OLPB::::20120401T000000Z thru 20120630T235959Z

* UTC=20120216T000001Z~
  __The Liberal print edition
    op[nion piece by Marney Beck, "Lofty
    solution short on details", criticizing
    Perrelli DDO&P purchase scheme

* UTC=20120218T000001Z~
  __Toronto Star print edition, 2012-02-18, page H12,
    FAMILY Building from the Underground Up: From drainage
    systems to highrises, Fred, Tony and Angelo have made
    their mark on th GTA's building and development
    __mentions philanthropic donation of 3 large bells
      to St. Clare of Assisi Church, named
      "Saint Alfredo", "Saint Anthony" and "Saint Angelo"

* UTC=20120223T000001Z~
  __Liberal editorial "Councillors must show respect",
    suggesting that it is ill-advised of Cncl Perrelli
    to propose a DDO&P land-purchase scheme when
    the DDO&P land case is still under OMB mediation 

* UTC=20120412T200000Z
  __Liberal print edition,
    article "56% of Dunlap Observatory preserved",
    in _Liberal_ of 2012-04-14,
    reporting Council deliberations of 2012-04-12 (THU)
    __mentions disappointment of Beros, Perrelli, Papa, Chan
        Defenders chairperson Karen Cilevitz was
        present for the vote and reacted positively to
        the settlement.
          "I'm so relieved. This is a remarkable gain
        for the community and I am proud of what
        we've done. This settlement and all parties
        working together to reach this gives me a
        great soruce of pride," said Ms Cilevitz.
          Despite her elation, Ms Cilevitz did convey
        some sadness that 100-per-cent protection
        couldn't be achieved at mediation.
     __following is potentially of high significance:
         As for Corsica's 44 per cent of the property,
         Mr. Barrow may still ask a provincial
         facilitator to bring the four levels of government
         together and discuss realities of a land swap or
         buy-out to preserve the rest of the site.

* UTC=20120413T000001Z~
  __printout, on blue paper, of a 26-page document
    marked "(c) 2012 Richmond Hill Naturalists"
    and headed "Chronology of a Rare Asset:
    David Dunlap Observatory Memorial Parklands:
    Richmond Hill, Ontario"
    __chronology from pre-history thru 1787-09-23 up to 2012-04-02
  __contains various factual errors (for instance, the claim
    that the World War 2 stellar sextant or 
    sextant-liek device developed with DDO support
    is the basis of present-day aerial navigation;
    or again (ALMOST certainly) the date of the Reza Moridi
    tabling-of-petioin in Provincial Legislature)
    (_some mistakes corrected in an ad-hoc way
      by Kmo, in pencil, for the most parting working on 2018-08-04)
  __nevertheless contains leads for possible further
    research, now requiring follow-up and independent investigation
  [_in what follows, the document's nonstandard use of itals and
    underlines is reproduced, along with the document's occasional
    errors in punctuation and syntax]
  [_what follows it now intended to as an adequately full digest
    of the document
    __it is attempted ONLY to pull out those particular assertions
      which either (a) serve as aides-memoire for subtle points in the
      case, easily overlooked, or (b) suggest specially
      promising, easily-overlooked, leads for
      future independent investigators]
      [re 1939-04-13]
      Edmunt Zavitz, the Minister of Lands and Forests
      and Provincial Forester donates
      8,000 seedlings in equal amounts of
      native and non-native tree specis to the
      Observatory Nursery. The Observatorty staff
      hopes to reforest the entire property to
      insure[sic] the proper operation of the telescope.
      This reforestation is part of a
      provincial initiative to reforest the Oak Ridges Moraine.

      The desire to reforest the entire Observatory site
      is a key reason why protctive 'Greenbelt'  zoning
      is placed on the property in 1955.
      [re 1956-07-31]
      Philanthropist Jessie Donalda Dunlap dies
      after suffering a third heart attack.
      After purchasing the Observatory property,
      she leaves an estate of $5.6 million and
      a trust of $25,000 for the perpetual care
      of the Observatory. After the Observatory is
      sold, Mrs. Dunlap's fund is lost, and in the
      succeeding period has not been found,
      despiste inquiries being made.
      [re 1955-10-24]
      After assessing the Dunlap Observatory site,
      Ontario's Chief Conservation Engineer,
      R.H. Richardson recommends to the
      Township of Markham Planning board, it be
      zoned as protective 'Greenbelt'. The
      Township of Markham follows through and
      adopts its first Official Plan. The Observatory
      is assigned its first zoning - dual
      designations of 'Institutional' and 'Greenbelt'.
      The Greenbelt designation, which
      applies the same environmentallyh protective
      terms as it does today, remained on 
      the property for a decade before urban
      planners convert the term to 'Open Space'.
      Dual-zoning of the Observatory continued
      for 26 years before the Town of
      Richmond Hill dropped its 'Open Space'.
      But mere weeks later, Minister Claude
      Bennett returned this zoning, where it 
      remains in effect.
     [re 1956-11-18]
     Asronomer Chant dies at 91 and leaves
     his entire $276,922.44 estate to the
     University for the specific care of
     Dunlap Observatory. His will states money be used
     to update the library collection, telecopes
     in the Administratoin Building, [etc] /... /. 
     A codicil in Dr. Chant's will allows his
     heirs - all female - to ask the ((ITALS))University((/ITALS))
     for aassitanc when needed. On July 21, 2008
     Dr. Chant's granddaughter, Mary
     Robertson-James writes to ((ITALS))University((/ITALS))
     President Naylor asking for custody of the
     entire Observatory contents - rather than have
     it removed by the ((ITALS))University((/ITALS)).
     The ((ITALS))University((/ITALS)) refuses to honor
     her request. 
      [re 1993-06-30]
      The province of Ontario passes ((ITALS_UNDERL))Bill Pr-25,
      The Town of Richmond Hill Act, 1993((/ITALS_UNDERL)) to
      protect operation of [word missing??] in southern York Region.
      The ((ITALS))Bill((/ITALS)) permits ((ITALS))Town Council((/ITALS))
      to pass by-laws prohibiting or regulating the use
      of outdoor light fixtures - on or near the
      Observatory. The ((ITALS))Town's((/ITALS)) subequent
      ((ITALS_UNDERL))Light Pollution Control By-Law, No. 63-95
      ((/ITALS_UNDERL)) is still in effect today is the first adopted
      in Canada and second in North America.
      [re 2005-05]
      The ((ITALS))Regional Council of York((/ITALS)) recognzies the
      woodlands covering approximatley half
      of the David Dunlap Observatory as being
      regionally significant and a natural
      heritage resource worthy of protection.
      [re 2007-06-21]
      Minutes from the ((ITALS))University's((/ITALS)) Business
      Board reveals Vice President, Business
      Affairs, Catherine Riggall forms a Real Estate
      Advisory Group, comprised of select
      advisors in the real estate community - the
      ((ITALS))Rockport Group, Tricon Capital Group((/ITALS))
      and ((ITALS))CB Richard Ellis((/ITALS)). On tbhis date, the
      Advisory Group meets for the first time. it
      recommends the first property sold by the
      University should be the Dunlap
      Observatory. ((ITALS_UNDERL))Report 158, of the Business
      Board, Governing Council, Unviersity of
      Toronto((/ITALS_UNDERL)).) The sale of the property
      was completed a year later by ((ITALS))CB Richard Ellis
      [re 2007-12-07]
      Richmond Hill MPP Reza Moridi rises in the
      Ontario Legislature to deliver a petition
      of 4,000 signatures /.../
      [re 2008-01]
      In 2008, the ((ITALS))Municipal Property Tax Assessment
      Corporation((/ITALS)) (MPAC) lists the fair
      market value for the 'Institutional' zoned
      Dunlap Observatory of $10,678,000. MPAC
      fails to recognzie the 'Open Space' value
      of the property. The fair market value of
      'Open Space' zoning wojuld only be 
      $7,851,201.75 or $41,540.75 an acre.
      [re 2008-02-13]
      ((ITALS))Richmond Hill Naturalists((/ITALS)) write to
      Ontario Minister of Culture Aileen Carroll asking
      her to protect the Dunlap Observatory
      site by applying provincial heritage designation
      and to ensure its valued contents stay on site.
      The Minister replies after
      the peropty is sold and its contents removed,
      four months later.
      [re 2008-09-24]
      ((ITALS))University of Toronto((/ITALS)) President, Dr. David
      Naylor repleis to correspondence of
      Donalda Robarts, chastising her because
      they had a 'deal'. Additionally, Naylor
      reveals the University plans to return the
      Observatory contents after development
      rights have been obtained. /.../
      [re 2008-06-05]
      /../ One homeowner submits an adverse possession
      claim to 20 feet of the Observatory
      [re 2009-08-30]
      ((ITALS))Corsica/Metrus((/ITALS)) hires archeologist, William
      Finlayson and accepts his ((ITALS_UNDERL))Stage 1
      Archeological Assessment((/ITALS_UNDERL)) on the Observatory
      site. This Assessment has three pages
      of text and seven maps. There are no maps
      showing the 14 identified archeological
      sites known to be surrounding Dunlap Obsevatory. /.../
      [re 2009-09]
      The government of Canada sends Minister
      Peter kent as an official envoy to meet
      with Directors of ((ITALS))Corsica/Metrus Development((/ITALS)),
      owners of the Observatory. Believing
      the heritage of the Dunlap is worth of
      becomind a national landmark, and the need [sic syntax]
      keep the enrie Dunlap site intact is urgent,
      the federal government proposes a land
      swap to ((ITALS))Corsica/Metrus((/ITALS)). The Directors
      of ((ITALS))Corsica/Metrus((/ITALS)) reply they want 300 acres
      in exchange for 189 acres. The Federal government
      is offered the Observatory's three main buildings
      once development is secured. Further negotiations cease.

      Minister Kent then attempts to motivate
      provincial Ministry of Culture officials and
      the Mayor of Richmond Hill to put heritage
      protections in place to proect the
      complete site.
      [re 2009-11-27]
      The Board of the ((ITALS))Toronto and Region
      Conservation Authority((/ITALS)) passea a resolution
      (((ITALS_UNDERL))Rez#A206/09((/ITALS)) to put the David
      Dunlap Observatory Parklands property on their
      Priority Acquisition List.
      [re 2010-05-26]
      ((ITALS))Corsica/Metrus((/ITALS)) accepts a
      ((ITALS_UNDERL))Stage II Archeological Assessment
      ((/ITALS_UNDERL)) on the Observatory site,
      by archeologist, William Finlayson. This
      ((ITALS_UNDERL))Stage II Archeological Assessment
      ((/ITALS_UNDERL)) lists only
      two native artifacts found surrounding the
      Alexander Marsh homestead site. In a
      period of mere days, Mr. Finlayson completed
      the physical assessment of an untreed 88.5-acre
      property. A busload of students are seen descending
      upon the site to search for artifacts in the ploughed
      fields of the lObservatory. During completion of 
      archeological fieldwork, mr. Finlayson is not seen /.../

      Land Registry documents reveal ((ITALS))Corsica/Metrus((/ITALS))
      pays off its $35 million dollar
      mortgage to the ((ITALS))University of Toronto((/ITALS))
      and remortgages the Donlay Observatory for
      $85 million wih the ((ITALS)) Canadian Imperial
      Bank of Commerce((/ITALS)). The property is the
      collateral for the mortgage and the rate of
      interest is 21%. It is suggested the
      ((ITALS))University((/ITALS)) continuies to be a partner
      in the Dunlap site, expecting to share in revenue
      if it is developed. Revenue flowing to the
      ((ITALS))Unviersity((/ITALS)) is not subject to provincial
      oversight, nor independent oversight by the Ombudsman.

      Former federal Minister of the Environment, Jim Prentice
      is now the Chairman of
      the Board for ((ITALS))CIBC((/ITALS)). Prentice, once
      responsible for ((ITALS))Parks Canada((ITALS)), was
      interested in the acquisition of the Dunlap in the fall of 2009.
      [re 2011-01-24]
      Council adopts a revised ((ITALS_UNDERL))Conservation
      Management Plan (CMP)((/ITALS_UNDERL)) for the David Dunlap
      Observatory. Despite additional assitance from
      outside consultants, the ((ITALS_UNDERL))CMP((/ITALS_UNDERL)) now
      has the effect of undermining the ((ITALS))Town's
      ((UNDERL))Designating Heritage By-Law((/UNDERL))((/ITALS)).
      This effect is seen in a ((ITALS))Town((/ITALS)) map where lands
      to be conserved at [sic syntax] reduced to a shape like a turtle,
      and are dubbed 'pink turtle-lands' by the public. /.../
      [re 2011-06-02]
      The ((ITALS))OMB((/ITALS)) holds a pre-conference hearing
      for Dunlap Observatory assigning it Case
      No. PL101254. The basis fo the hearing is
      only to deal with the Town's faillure
      to reply within a mandated 180-day window,
      on ((ITALS))Corsica/Metrus'((/ITALS)) application for
      development. It is not to consider the merits of their
      application in full.

      The ((ITALS))Town((/ITALS)) tables a 400-page
      ((ITALS_UNDERL))Motion((/ITALS_UNDERL)) arguing the
      ((ITALS))OMB((/ITALS)) case is premature because
      ((ITALS))Corsica/Metrus((/ITALS)) has not among other things,
      provided an application to alter a
      cultural heritage landscape under the ((ITALS_UNDERL))Ontario
      Heritage Act((/ITALS_UNDERL)).

      The ((ITALS))Town((/ITA>S)) missesd a service delivery
      date on its ((ITALS_UNDERL))Motion((/ITALS_UDNERL)) by a day
      and the ((ITALS))OMB((/ITALS)) sets it aside.
      [re 2012-01-19]
      Continuing on with the suggestion of the Minister [sc Wynne],
      the ((ITALS))Richmond Hill Naturalists((/ITALS)) meet with
      ((ITA>S))Town((/ITALS)) POlanning Commission [sic] Ana Bassios.
      She is told about the original
      greenbelt zoning and subsequent history of
      dual zoning on the Observatory
      Parklands. She dismissesw the concept of dual
      zoning on any property. The
      ((/ITALS))Naturalists((/ITALS)) give her all research]
      documents, including the Modifications to the
      Parklands requested by Minister Bennett in 1982.

* UTC=20120421T000001Z~
  __Liberal print edition,
    pair of articles in wake of the OMB mediated settlement:
    + "Group aims to revitalize sky-gazing programs"
      [_re RASC]
    + "Observatory settlement one step closer to reality"
      [_re approval from York Region upper-tier municipality]

* UTC=20120507T140000Z
  __Liberal print edition, 2012-05-10,
    article headed "August dates set aside for
    observatory settlement hearing",
    reporting event of 2012-05-07

* UTC=20120602T000001Z~
  __Liberal print edition, 2012-06-02,
    article headed "Happy to call Richmond Hill
    home: poll: Telephone survey cost $36,000"
  __Environics Research Group, 600 residents
      /.../ the David Dunlap Observatory's
      fate garnered 3 per cent endorsement as
      an important future issue.

* UTC=20120623T000001Z~
  __Liberal print-edition article
    "Building event raises $700 K" 
  __does not mention DDO&P directly
  __mere background, mere context
      Zanotti praised the efforts of Alfredo DeGasperis,
      chairman of Condrain Group and
      founder of the fundraising luncheon.

* UTC=20120625T233000Z~
  __Liberal print-edition article
    2012-06-30, reporting Council
    closed-session decision of 2012-06-25,
    "Town pays $19.5M for Dunlap lands"
        The town has leased the panhandle
        since 1979 /.../
          The price tag works out to $1.61 million
        per acre.
          Based on that price, it wojuld have cost
        the town another $285 million to purchase
        the entire property, which Corsica purchased
        for $70 million in 2008.
    __official closing date = 2012-10-12
  __TorStar GT section (print-edition) article
    of 2012-07-04, reporting same event

* UTC=20160630T000001Z~
  __Toronto Star page H16
    Aiming to be the very best"
    __on Arista Homes
    __profile of Michael DeGasperis and others in family
    __does not directly mention DDO&P
    __mere context, mere background

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